Underwood Community Center

Rental Clean-up Checklist


The rental applicant is responsible for cleaning the rooms rented upon the conclusion of the event in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in the Facility Use Contract.

You must be cleaned up and out of the facility by the designated time on your rental application.  There should be NO CLEAN-UP required by the Underwood Parks and Recreation Staff or you will be charged for additional rental and staff fees for any additional time used.

(NOTE: 1-60 minutes = 1 hour. This includes cleaning up the park grounds, dealing with garbage not disposed of properly, and general clean up)


The checklist below is provided to assist you in the cleaning process.

HOURLY Rental Applicant Responsibilities (All Cleaning Supplies are Provided):

  • Clean all counters and tables with disinfectant spray and clean towel
  • Stack all chairs & fold all tables and put them back exactly as they were (brown tables on the stage and Lifetime plastic tables in the meeting room)
  • Sweep entire floor and dispose with dust pan
  • Wet mop any food, drink, dirt (WATER ONLY) and remove any streak marks left on gym floor
  • Wet mop kitchen and meeting room floor if used for any food preparation
  • Remove and place all garbage in garbage cans located at the front of the building under the kitchen window. If your garbage does not fit in the provided garbage cans please take it with you.
  • Line all garbage cans with liners provided under the kitchen sink
  • Remove all decorations
  • Check bathroom cleanliness and garbages
  • Return all equipment and cleaning supplies to where you find it. If the staff cannot find it you will be charged for the item.
  • Turn off all lights
  • Turn off heat
  • Be sure all exterior doors are closed and locked

DAILY Rental Applicant Responsibilities (All Cleaning Supplies are Provided):

  • Wipe counters and tables with a clean towel
  • Remove all decorations
  • Stack all chairs & fold all tables and put them back exactly as they were (brown tables on the stage and Lifetime plastic tables in the meeting room, brown chairs on the racks)
  • Sweep entire floor and dispose with dust pan
  • Remove and place all garbage in garbage cans located at the front of the building under the kitchen window. If your garbage does not fit in the provided garbage cans please take it with you.
  • Return all equipment and cleaning supplies to where you find it. If the staff cannot find it you will be charged for the item.
  • Turn off all lights
  • Turn off heat
  • Be sure all exterior door are closed and locked

Underwood Park and Recreation Staff Responsibilities:

  • Conduct a pre-event building inspection for cleanliness and damage
  • Inform your group of miscellaneous information
  • Enforce rules and regulations
  • Provide clean up supplies for your group
  • Conduct post-event building inspection for cleanliness, tables & chairs put away properly and damage

Any damage, unreturned equipment, uncleaned areas, lost keys or additional time may result in forfeiture of your damage deposit and/or denial of future rental use.

Printable Cleaning Checklist