Approximately 550 acres along the lower White Salmon River from Northwestern Park to the Columbia River are hanging in the balance.  The owner, PacifiCorp, has completed its work of decommissioning Condit Dam, and they have signaled their interest in divesting from these lands.  This provides an important opportunity for the community to think about the future of the lower White Salmon River and what might happen with these special lands. 

 The Lower White Salmon River Coalition has come together to discuss possibilities and help shape a vision for what the community would like to see happen with these lands which span between Skamania and Klickitat Counties.  The lower White Salmon River is host to salmon and steelhead fish, which use it as migrating, holding, rearing and spawning habitat.  Stretches of the river were also historically significant as usual and accustomed fishing sites prior to the construction of Condit Dam in the early 20th century.  Nearby communities include Underwood, White Salmon, Husum and BZ Corner.  Visitors currently enjoy hiking, fishing, mountain biking and whitewater rafting and kayaking throughout the area.

The Lower White Salmon River Coalition is actively reaching out to people who use, live nearby, or are otherwise invested in this land’s future. Members of the Coalition have included adjacent landowners, residents, local business owners, interested citizens, and local non-profits.

Above all, Coalition members believe that the community and local values should determine the future of this critically important stretch of the lower White Salmon River. Coalition members are committed to developing local consensus on the river corridor’s future, which is why they have developed a website and on-line survey to provide information and gather public input.  This can be found at:   

 While the eventual owners of the land are unknown, the Lower White Salmon River Coalition members believe that local communities should have a voice in determining the future of the lower White Salmon River.

Anyone who uses, lives nearby, or is otherwise invested in this land’s future is welcome to join in the conversation, learn more, and complete the on-line visioning survey. Public input will be used to help guide and inform future planning, access, ownership, and development of the lower White Salmon River corridor.

Thank you

Craig Haskell