Please join us next Wednesday, May 15 at 6:00 for our monthly Community Meeting at the Underwood Community Center. We will be discussing upcoming events, and ongoing maintenance of the building. We would love your input.



AGENDA  for  6-12-2024  UPRD  Regular Meeting 


6:00pm at Community Center


 1. Welcome everybody

 2. Approval of minutes of previous meetings:  5-15-2024

3. Reports: Treasurer, Facility and Usage   

4. Approve vouchers,  including  Excise tax   

           A. 6/5/2024 – $3,737.65

5. Reports from County Commissioner & Sheriff & Alex Hayes (County Parks)

6. Action items:

           A. Discuss camping at center for large events

           B. newsletter? bathroom remodel, post office painting, upcoming levy, playground event, description on UPRD/FofU/501C3, new website design

            C. Community Athletic grants – UPRD has made it to the second round

7.  Reports:

            A. Restrooms remodel

            B. Friends of Underwood

            C. Play Structure committee report / update

            D. Community Garden

8. Discussion: 

            A. Levy – form a committee

            B. Go over commissioner duties


9. Next meeting July  10th,  2024.  


10. Other matters to come before the commission