Hello Underwood Residents and Friends,

I would like to take this time to update you all on the happenings at the Underwood Park and Recreation District. Here are a few things:

– At this time all private rentals, pickleball games, basketball groups, and meetings at the Underwood Community Center have been canceled. By State ordinance, the building will remain closed until at least April 1st when we will re-evaluate our current pandemic situation.

– The Paint Night scheduled for Friday April 17 will need to be postponed. This is very unfortunate! We had 14 people who had already paid and registered. If you have paid for your spot, we can refund your money, or I can hold onto it for when we reschedule. Let me know what you decide.

– The Garage Sale and Children’s Fair scheduled for Sunday April 19 will also need to be postponed. Hopefully we will be able to set another date in the early summer. Be on the look-out!

– The UPRD is still planning on planting trees in the Underwood Park this spring. The board and Blayney Meyers, have been researching tree prices and native tree varieties that would best compliment the Park. We think we have it narrowed down and hope to be planting soon. If you would like to donate $200 for a tree to be planted in your name, please send money/check to UPRD, PO BOX 172, Underwood, WA 98651. With your donation please also let us know what you would like the tree plaque to say in your honor.

– Per County Health department recommendation, the following information will be posted on the play structure at the Underwood Park: “CAUTION, play structure has not been sanitized. Respect Covid-19 social distance guidelines. The equipment is closed. To help stop the spread of Covid-19 and for the safety and concern of others, please stay off the equipment until further notice.”

– During this time that the building is not in use, we are diligently working on getting contactors lined up to start the kitchen remodel process. We are working on creating a sterile kitchen with a partial grant we received last month. This project includes, stainless steel counter tops, new cabinets, new appliances, lighting, updated plumbing, and flooring.

We all hope that everyone is staying healthy and doing everything you can to help “flatten the curve.”

Thank you,

The UPRD Board

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Upcoming Events

Community EMS Levy Meeting

March 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Toddler Play Group

March 21 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am


March 21 @ 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

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Contact Us

Community Center and Park

951 School House Rd.

Underwood, WA 98651


Our facilities are available to members of the community for public events and private parties. View rental rates and availability here

Underwood Park & Recreation District
PO Box 172
Underwood, WA 98651


(509) 972-6400