Please join us for our monthly board meeting Wednesday April 14, 2021. We hope to “see” you there.
AGENDA for 4-14-2021 UPRD Regular Meeting
6:00pm at Community Center
& Via ‘Zoom’ on internet
1. Welcome everybody
2. Approval of minutes of previous meetings: 3/10/2021
3. Reports: Treasurer, Facility and Usage
4. Approve vouchers
5. Community Committee report
A. Underwood area roadside clean-up April 24 th
B. Park Clean-up May 15 th
6. General maintenance – community clean-up to-do list
7. Quotes for ‘port-a-pottys’, and ‘WHEN’ ??
8. Re-opening of community center and park:
A. How to?
B. Rules ?
C. Document requirements ?
D. Contrancts / Agreements?
9. SDS Lumber donation for bleachers
10. Update on Parking Lot light.
11. Cottage maintenance and improvements.
12. Schedule a Work Session ?