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It’s election day!  Washington State votes by mail and today is the last day to submit your ballot for 2024. Let your voice be heard! All ballots must be submitted by 8 pm on Election Day.

Are there any important ballot measures specifically affecting Underwood this year? 

Yes! Proposition #1. Voting “yes” on this ballot measure will support critical funding for our Community Center and Park in the years to come. Read some important FAQ’s here

Where can I drop my ballot in Underwood?

The very best place to drop your ballot is into the official ballot box at the Underwood Community Center. Located on the east end of the parking lot in front of the center itself, dropping your ballot into the designated ballot box before 8 pm on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 will ensure your vote will be counted.

Can I drop my ballot in the Underwood USPS Mailbox? 

Yes, but you must be sure to drop it off in time to be postmarked no later than Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. This is a really important consideration! Especially in Underwood. Each year, there are a handful of signed ballots that cannot be counted because they were dropped into the USPO mailbox after the last collection time on Election Day. Our advice? Play is safe! Use the official ballot box in front of the Community Center.




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