The Underwood Park and Recreation District


The Underwood Park and Recreation District (UPRD) was created by community voters in 2017 when the community center building and property in Underwood was heading for the county surplus list and slated to be torn down. Underwood residents, less than 1,000 people total, rallied together to save the park, grounds, and community building. Now, the UPRD is a recognized park and recreation district of the state and authorized to operate in a nonprofit manner as a public service to the residents of our region.

There’s always something going on at the Underwood Park & Community Center. Whether it’s an community meeting, sports game, an event for kids or a private party. When the UPRD hosts an event, we work hand-in-hand with a local non-profit organization, Friends of Underwood, to manage logistics, outreach and fundraise for related causes.

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