UPRD regular meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6:00 at the Community Center. We will be discussing our budget for the 2020 year. Community is invited to come and share your input! See see proposed budget at the end of Meeting Agenda.
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome everybody
- Approval of minutes of previous meetings: 10/9/2019 and 10/30/2019
- Reports: Treasurer, Facility and Usage
- Approve vouchers, including Excise tax
- Budget for 2020, and tax revenue.
- Cottage Maintenance / Repair: bathroom rebuild in progress
- Update on White Salmon River Coalition progress – Pat Arnold
- Gymnasium windows, replace now?
- Community Garden tab on the website? Details?
- Projects / Improvements:
- indoor soccer goals?
- Exercise equipment in old Fire Hall
- Radio room window and lights
- Reader Board sign – UCC have letters?
- Location of compost heap / leaves
- Bench under tree along walking path?
- Maintenance / other issues:
- Website improvements
- Replace tennis court net
- french drain for gym
- gutters on gym and Post Office
- basketball backboards in gym F.
- Schedule a Work Session?
- Other issues per the pleasure of the commission